One noticeable issue in the society today is the rate at which people (including youths and adults) migrate from the rural to the urban areas. Like a paradox, while the cities (urban areas) are increasing in population, the rural areas are decreasing.

One of the factors that is responsible for rural -urban migration is lack of / inadequate social amenities and facilities in the rural areas. These include pipe borne water, electricity, good roads, hospitals, schools, recreational centres (like Stadiun, Zoo, Amusement park) among others. Inadequate jobs in the rural areas also make many youths to migrate to the urban areas that can provide better opportunities for them.

Rural-urban migration has negative consequences. It leads to overpopulation of the urban areas thus encouraging crime in the society. Those who engage in crime prefer the urban areas being turgid with wealthy individuals.

Rural -urban migration slows down the rate of development of the rural areas. In view of the negative consequences, Government of each country in the world should strive to provide social amenities and facilities in the rural areas and also provide jobs for the citizens in the rural areas.

Published by Akindelly

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