How does overpopulation affects our environment


Increased pollution:

The increase in population creates a greater amount of waste that pollutes our rivers, sea and land. It also causes a higher consumption of energy and fuel, more transport vehicles, more factories to meet higher demand, thus causing the air pollution.


This is caused by the growth of cities, as well as the consumption of raw material (wood), resulting in the decreased uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) increasing the greenhouse effect. (Global Warming).

 Loss of farmland

Also caused by the growth of cities, causing thereby producing less food, increased by the population explosion.

 Overexploitation of aquifers

Increased consumption of water creates the overexploitation of aquifers, resulting in greater shortages of this resource and an increase in salinity or alkalinity of the land to make it unusable.

 Loss of Biodiversity

This loss in our biodiversity is caused by the overexploitation of biological resources, deforestation of forests and other natural areas causing the extinction of some animal and plant species.


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